Sunday, April 09, 2006

Thank you for inspiring James Pepper

Dear God:
Thank you. Thank you for inspiring James Pepper. You have given him a special gift but also a special responsibility in hand lettering and illustrating the King James Bible. I was recently amazed at the work done on the Saint John's Bible -- I still am. Working with calligraphers and illustrators, and using today's technology to plan their work, they have amassed an incredible multi-volume work of art to bring new life and vision to your word. James Pepper has worked 18 years to do the same thing on his own, The Pepper Bible. It's a stunning achievement. Thank you for giving him that special gift and bringing it to the world. Thank you for sending him to my Booksville blog, letting him see my article on the Saint John's Bible, and having him comment on it so that I might know of his work, too.

Thank you, God, for working through your faithful to make our world a better place. That's why you put us here, Lord.

I love you!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Thank you for the gift of sharing

Our Lord in Heaven:
Thank you for the gift of sharing this week. Especially thank you for making it possible for my wife Kate and me to aid our nephew Randy and his wife Erin with a little bit of money. They needed it and you provided it by giving us the extra. I also thank you for having us hold off of spending the money earlier, before we knew that Randy and Erin needed it.

I'm sorry I haven't made an entry on the Wall of Praise lately. I have certainly had plenty of opportunity. The times it rained for so long but there was only the slightest trickle in the basement. Or when we needed extra cash to pay bills and you provided a way to pay them. There was also that day I felt so warm and happy inside -- for no apparent reason. It's been a while since I've felt like that, and I know it was your love filling me with joy. Oh, and we made it through winter to the first days of spring -- with birds singing and the grass growing green. Praise you, God, for spring!

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for me and my family. Thank you for the gifts you've given, so often without my asking. You know when I need something and you are always so generous. Thank again, Lord.

I ask and pray always in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, in whose name I also offer you praise and thanksgiving, Father, in union with him and the Holy Spirit, one God Almighty forever and ever.
